Saturday, March 24, 2012

Two people die every three minutes in the country due to Tuberculosis, adding 1.8 million new cases every year. A preventable, curable disease which should have been eradicated 50 years ago, has turned deadlier.One fifth of the world's tuberculosis cases are in India, a country that adds 1.8 million new TB patients every year. The disease claims 750 lives every day. The biggest danger at this point is the resurgence of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.


All cases of TB are passed from person to person via droplets. When someone with TB infection coughs, sneezes, or talks, tiny droplets of saliva or mucus are expelled into the air, which can be inhaled by another person.

Risk factors :

Research has shown that people with certain risk factors are more likely to develop tuberculosis. A risk factor is anything that increases a person's chance of developing a disease.

Specific tuberculosis risk factors include:
IV drug abuse
Crowded living conditions
Immigration from certain countries
Low body weight
Certain medical treatments (such as corticosteroid treatment or organ transplants)


Antibiotics are used to treat TB, since it's a bacterial infection. You may be hospitalized or told to avoid contact with other people until tests show that you're not contagious.

Monday, March 5, 2012


There are hundreds of laws for the protection of animals in India. The main laws are the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960, and the Wildlife Protection Act 1972.and rules framed under these acts. Few people, and even fewer policemen, know the law; in the face of such ignorance the animals are helpless. There is a very strong law banning cattle from being taken from one state to another for slaughter. Since nobody in authority knows about this law, lakhs of cattle are thrown helplessly into trucks and taken to slaughterhouses in other states. Kerala alone kills 2.5 lakhs of cattle every year-every single one of these poor beasts is beaten and trucked hundreds of miles from Karnataka, Tamilnadu, or Maharashtra. Goa, too, kills cattle only from Karnataka, as it finished its own animal's years ago. Al Kabeer, India's main slaughter factory situated in Andhra Pradesh, takes cattle from all over Northern India in defiance of the law, and is secure in that no policeman anywhere knows enough about the law to take action.

Stray Relief and Animal Welfare (STRAW) is a New Delhi, India based non profit organization recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India - AWBI (certificate) that works to improve the way Animals in general and strays in particular, are treated and regarded by society. Registered in January 2002, STRAW is recognized by the Animal Welfare Board of India.

A caring attitude is hidden deep inside each one of us and if we allow this attitude to be brought forward, even in small little ways, there would be no creature - big or small - on this earth ever in discomfort and pain. STRAW believes in this philosophy

Bibliography :

Monday, February 27, 2012


Name: Puneet Singh  
Age : 20
Relation : Neighbor

Q/ How well do humans share the planet with other species?

A/ I think humans share the planet to an extent, even though they are most powerful beings on the planet, they are also the smartest and ensure the continuity of species. By selfishness they are polluting the environment and the animal/birds will suffer too even though its not their fault. And by being smart they are trying to conserve  resources as well as stop endangered species from getting extinct.

Q/  Are some species more important than others?

A/ Yea I think some species are more important because without them the balance of nature will be lost.
For example : Cows give milk which is important, where as pigs are mainly used for pork, humans as well as wild animals can manage without pork. This is just the foods point in nature.

Q/  Are humans allowed to use other species to make their life easier? 

A/ No they don't have any right, but because they are stronger and smarter they are doing it.

Name : Aditiya shahani 
Age: 18
Relation : Friend 

Q/ How well do humans share the planet with other species?

A/ Not very well because they are selfish, they don't care much about animals and endangered species much 

Q/Are some species more important than others?

A/ Yes. For example plants: they provide oxygen, so in a way they are one of the most important species. Similarly many other species have their own specialty. 

Q/  Are humans allowed to use other species to make their life easier? 

A/ If ethical then yes. To a certain extent humans do have the rights to use other species, Provided they don't harm the species permanently.